Oklahoma Industry Leaders Donate Water to Oklahomans

Historic winter storms struck Oklahoma leaving some without water until Oklahoma water industry leaders stepped up to the plate.

As historic winter storms swept across Oklahoma, many communities’ water supply was impacted due to frozen pipes leaving some Oklahomans without water while repairs were made. Several Associate Members of the Oklahoma Rural Water Association answered the call for help and donated bottled water to communities in need.

It was a collective effort between FEMA, Oklahoma Emergency Management and ORWA to provide clean drinking water to Oklahomans who need it most, said ORWA Deputy CEO, Jimmy Seago.

“We are extremely thankful for our Associate Members who stepped up and helped us supply Oklahomans with safe drinking water when they needed it most,” said Seago. “In trying times that’s when Oklahoma truly shines because we come together and help our neighbors.” 

28 industry leaders donated 31 pallets of water and their services to help distribute water across Oklahoma. Those leaders were: Core & Main, Pumps of Oklahoma, John Vance Auto Group, American Waterworks, UTS, Logan County RWD #1, Marshall Co. Water Corp, Myers Engineering, Rural Water Impact, Ford Meter Box, Sheldon Tatum, Okie 811, Air Mac, K D Johnson, Dunham Engineering, Micro-Comm, Elynx Technologies, BancFirst, Comanche #4, ORWA Staff, Pioneer Supply, Water Tech, SIP, Sigma, Mueller, Brad Greer & Associates, Tyler Union and Yandell Trucking.

“When Oklahoma needs help, Oklahomans step up and our team did just that,” said Seago. “I am very proud of our team here at ORWA for diving in and seamlessly coordinating this effort.”

ORWA still has a limited amount of donated water on hand that can be distributed to Oklahoma communities who are in need, said Seago. If you know of a community in need, please contact Anita at ORWA for more information. 

For the latest information on the Oklahoma Rural Water Association, visit orwa.org.

— Written by JD Rosman

The Oklahoma Rural Water Association was formed in 1970 and was the first of its kind, giving a voice for rural water systems and districts across the state. Today, ORWA represents more than 550 water and wastewater utilities, providing management solutions, training opportunities, serves as their legislative voice, and provides technical assistance to its membership. The ORWA works to meet the needs of its members, always working to provide the best and safest water supply to its customers. Learn more about ORWA at orwa.org.