Neighbors Helping Neighbors Nationwide

ORWA staff attended national emergency response training. 

Several staff members of the Oklahoma Rural Water Association attended an Emergency Response training, hosted by Texas Rural Water Association in Austin, Texas. Rural water associations from across the United States attended the event in order to learn the best emergency response practices for any given situation.

Attendees were able to gain both classroom and hands-on training in the areas of purification, mechanics, safety, technology, first aid and federal support. The National Rural Water Association and the Emergency Response Committee also discussed past events and work through plans to better prepare for future emergency situations.

“We take our Oklahoma mentality of neighbors helping neighbors to a nationwide level,” said Jimmy Seago, ORWA Deputy CEO. “It is important for us to be involved and assist at the national, state and local levels, because together we are American providing for and assisting our fellow Americans.”

Among those discussions were natural emergencies caused by wildfires which spread across many western states in 2020 as well as tornadoes, hurricanes and ice storms that impacted the midwest and several southern states.

ORWA staff members attend each year and each receive a National Emergency Response credit. Through the mutual aid agreement with NRWA and other state associations, ORWA is able to assist and request assistance from state to state in the event of an emergency.

For more information regarding the emergency training and the network of state associations who are involved in the national response, visit

— Written by JD Rosman

The Oklahoma Rural Water Association was formed in 1970 and was the first of its kind, giving a voice for rural water systems and districts across the state. Today, ORWA represents more than 550 water and wastewater utilities, providing management solutions, training opportunities, serves as their legislative voice, and provides technical assistance to its membership. The ORWA works to meet the needs of its members, always working to provide the best and safest water supply to its customers. Learn more about ORWA at