Investing in Aging Infrastructure

Oklahoma’s goal of becoming a ‘Top 10 State’ requires an investment in infrastructure.

As Oklahoma grows and positions itself to become a ‘Top 10 State’, quality infrastructure is critical in order to inspire that growth across the entire state.

Staff from the Oklahoma Rural Water Association and Field Representative for Senator Lankford, Jeff Underwood, met in Chandler, Okla. and Meeker, Okla. earlier this week to discuss the aging infrastructure and funding needed for rural Oklahoma communities.

“Infrasture is a hot topic today,” said Jimmy Seago, ORWA Deputy CEO. “It is critical that Oklahoma invest in it’s rural communities, and specifically its rural water and wastewater systems, in order to promote economic growth.

“We are thankful to have Senator Lankford’s support of investing in rural Oklahoma,” he said. 

The city of Chandler, Okla. continues to grow within its city limits and beyond. The city of Chandler also sells water to several other communities and rural water districts as well, putting increased demand and increased stress on the current infrastructure. 

“By investing today in Oklahoma’s infrastructure, we become a more sustainable state, better preserving our resources, becoming financially self-sufficient, and at the same time, promote and allow for growth to take place across our state,” Seago said.

The Oklahoma Strategic Alliance is composed of the Oklahoma Rural Water Association, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, the Oklahoma Water Resources Board and the Oklahoma Secretary of Energy and Environment with a goal of promoting sustainability across Oklahoma water systems. 

“As Oklahoma experiences and positions for growth, it is important for water and wastewater systems to stay in contact with us and the Alliance partners, and inform the partners of expected growth and challenges the system faces,” Seago said. “Only then can we budget, plan and execute on developing sustainable, modern infrastructure.” 

For the latest information on the Oklahoma Rural Water Association or the role of the Oklahoma Strategic Alliance, visit

— Written by JD Rosman

The Oklahoma Rural Water Association was formed in 1970 and was the first of its kind, giving a voice for rural water systems and districts across the state. Today, ORWA represents more than 550 water and wastewater utilities, providing management solutions, training opportunities, serves as their legislative voice, and provides technical assistance to its membership. The ORWA works to meet the needs of its members, always working to provide the best and safest water supply to its customers. Learn more about ORWA at