Cherokee County Rural Water District #7 Honored

Governor Stitt issued a proclamation to Cherokee County Rural Water District commending their commitment to sustainability in the water industry.

Cherokee County Rural Water District #7 was presented with a proclamation from Governor Kevin Stitt on July 14, 2020 for compiling their long range sustainability plan and for implementing efforts to become more sustainable. Cherokee County RWD #7 is the first recognized water system for the completion of their sustainability plan, paving the way for all other systems.

In 2019, Governor Kevin Stitt set forth a vision of an alliance agreement committing the Office of the Oklahoma Secretary of Energy and Environment, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, Oklahoma Rural Water Association, and the Oklahoma Water Resources Board to work together to improve the sustainability of Oklahoma rural and small community water and wastewater systems. The Oklahoma Strategic Alliance was then created. 

“We commend those at the Cherokee County Rural Water District #7 for their dedication to becoming more sustainable for the future,” said Oklahoma Rural Water Association, COO, J.R. Welch. “As part of our Strategic Alliance, sustainability is key to the future of our industry, our rural communities and our great state.”

As part of the long range sustainability plan, a rate analysis, water audit, leak detection, a hydraulic analysis and an asset management study were all completed and plans were implemented in order to help ensure the economic sustainability of the system. Standard operating procedures were updated for day-to-day operations and board members underwent a training on capacity development.

“Safe water is the lifeblood of rural Oklahoma,” said Capacity Development Coordinator at the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, Brandon Bowman. “Systems who are stepping up to the plate and embracing sustainability like Cherokee County Rural Water District #7 are laying a strong foundation for a brighter future.”

The Oklahoma Strategic Alliance is proud of the progress the Cherokee County Rural Water District #7 has made as they work towards a more sustainable future.

“Every district has problems,” said Cherokee County RWD #7 Board Chairman, Raymond Thompson. “It’s our goal to be economically sustainable in order to continue to improve our district and the Strategic Alliance resources are helping us get there.”  

For more information on the Oklahoma Strategic Alliance or sustainability services visit or email

— Written by JD Rosman

For more information contact:

J.R. Welch

Randy Clark
Long Range Strategic Plan Project Manager

The Oklahoma Strategic Alliance was formed in 2019. Governor Kevin Stitt set forth a vision of an agreement committing the Office of the Oklahoma Secretary of Energy and Environment, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, Oklahoma Rural Water Association, and the Oklahoma Water Resources Board to work together to improve the sustainability of Oklahoma rural and small community water and wastewater systems. For more information on the Oklahoma Strategic Alliance contact