An Alliance for the Future

Seal of Oklahoma

Oklahoma Strategic Alliance

The Oklahoma Strategic Alliance was formed in 2019 in partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality, the Oklahoma Rural Water Association and Oklahoma Water Resources Board.

Together, our three organizations have pooled resources to help water and wastewater systems across Oklahoma analyze and review their systems in order to help them position themselves for the future to ensure all Oklahomans have quality water and wastewater systems in place for generations to come.

Governor Kevin Stitt ratified the Oklahoma Strategic Alliance in order to better utilize resources in order to help water systems become more sustainable and better prepared for future growth and continue to provide high-quality services to their customers.

Goals of the Alliance

Sustainability. It’s all about economic sustainability and managing natural resources. It’s the Oklahoma Strategic Alliances goal to help every water system across Oklahoma become sustainable in order to be viable for generations to come.

Economic Stability. It’s a challenge for many water systems. Water and wastewater utilities are incredibly undervalued. It’s our job to analyze the system and make recommendations in order for them to become more economically secure all while balancing customer relations.

Developing Oklahoma. Oklahoma is growing and our cities and rural communities need to have the infrastructure in place to serve a growing population. The Oklahoma Strategic Alliance is here to help every system develop and implement a plan to help meet the growing demand.

The Oklahoma Strategic Alliance partners work year round to ensure that Oklahoma water and wastewater systems become more efficient and sustainable. 

2022 was a very successful and impactful year for the Alliance, posting some of the most significant savings to date. 

Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

The Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) is providing approximate Oklahoma specific detail on the federal Bipartisan Infrastructure bill, which will extend over the next 5 years.
OWRB is also introducing the proposed Clean Water State Revolving Fund CWSRF loan forgiveness strategies, which will begin July 1, 2022.
For further information please contact:
Tonya White
OWRB Financial Assistance Division
405.530.8816 |