The ORWA Assurance Group was formed in 1988 by a handful of concerned water district managers and board members because they were unable to find and/or afford insurance that would meet their needs. The Assurance Group was formed specifically for rural water and sewer districts and small communities to provide a long term, stable solution to address your individual needs. The group is governed by a 13 member board elected by your peers. Our staff gives our members the extra attention and provides additional services that benefit you, as our members, that commercial insurance companies do not. As your partner, we are here to help you make the best decision regarding your coverage needs.

Darren Hughes


Darrell Wootton

Vice Chairman

Rick Boone


Robert Moore


Terry DeBock

Region 1

Jeff McIntosh

Region 1

John Britton

Region 1

Arvil Morgan

Region 2

Gary McGuire

Region 2

Dennis Meyers

Region 3

Bobby Friend

Region 3

Larry Bogges

Region 3

Sheldon Tatum

Region 4