Board Member Training Program

Oklahoma State Statute (Title 82, Chapter 18, SS 1324.16, B.1.A) requires all board members of a rural water district or a nonprofit rural water corporation attend a minimum of six (6) hours of workshop training within twelve (12) months following the election, or appointment, of such board member, and to obtain (6) hours of continuing education workshop training every (3) years there after.
These training sessions meet the requirements above and are usually held on (2) consecutive nights for (3) hours each.
A board member may choose to attend (3) hours one night at one class, and attend another (3) hours at a different class at a later date, as long as it is within that (12) month or (3) year period.
We also encourage all system personnel to attend these sessions to better understand the laws governing water systems.
We conduct approximately 35 Board Member training sessions throughout the State of Oklahoma each year.
Topics taught in Board Member Training sessions include, but are not limited to:
- Oklahoma Rural Water Act
- Nepotism
- Dual Office Holding
- Open Meetings Act
- Open Records Act
- Public Bid Law
- Asset Management
- Insurance Requirements
- Risk Management
- Boardsmanship
- Planning/Conducting Meetings
- Contingency Planning
- Emergency Response
- Financial Management
- Budgeting
- Personnel Policies
- Public Relations
- Basic System Operations
- Developing Policies
- Etc