ORWA Board

The Oklahoma Rural Water Association is governed by a sixteen member Board of Directors.  Four of these directors are elected, by the membership, from each of four areas of the State, with one at-large. Our directors work hard to oversee the management and financial stability of the association. They also work hard to lobby, at both the State and Federal levels, for legislation and programs to benefit the rural systems of Oklahoma.

Board of Directors

Arvil Morgan


Dennis Meyers

Vice President

Sheldon Tatum


Darren Hughes


Jeff McIntosh, Region 1

John Britton, Region 1

Melvin Lawson, Region 1

Gary McGuire, Region 2

Rick Boone, Region 2

Jerry Gammill, Region 2

Kenny Lovett, Region 3

Darrell Wootton, Region 3

Larry Bogges, Region 3

Todd Ray, Region 4

Robert Moore, Region 4

Tom Whitaker, Region 4