About Us

The Oklahoma Rural Water Association (ORWA) is a non-profit organization whose purpose is to assist water and wastewater systems with day-to-day operational and management problems. We have on our staff, experienced and licensed operators who are familiar with all aspects of water systems’ operations and management and are ready to work with you at any time. We conduct training sessions throughout the State. Water industry professionals bring informative and up-to-date information to the operators and management personnel.

The Oklahoma Rural Water Association (ORWA) was formed in 1970. Prior to that, rural and small utilities in Oklahoma had little, if any voice in legislative and regulatory issues. They also had no on-site technical assistance provider in the state to assist utilities with their systems needs. Today, over 550 water and/or wastewater utilities are members of the ORWA.

ORWA is governed by a 16 member non-paid Board of Directors. The State of Oklahoma is divided up into four regions, with four directors elected by the member systems, to represent each region, with one at-large director.

The ORWA conducts over 170 training classes each year totaling more than 1700 classroom hours. Approximately 3300 people from nearly every system in the State of Oklahoma attend these classes. These classes include Board Member Training, Water & Wastewater Operator Certification Training, Laboratory Certification Training and Management Training.

ORWA has a staff of 32 employees including Water Circuit Riders, Wastewater Technicians/Trainers, Water Trainers and Source Water Technicians that provide on-site training and technical assistance to utility operators each day throughout the state. ORWA staff conduct approximately 1900 technical assistance visits to water and wastewater systems each year. Our staff has a combined experience of over 400 years.

ORWA provides a legislative voice for water and wastewater utilities on issues in the state and federal levels during legislative sessions. ORWA is a member of the National Rural Water Association which brings all state rural water associations together to speak from one national organization at the federal level to insure that rules and regulations are reasonable, practical and affordable for all systems.

Each year ORWA holds an Annual Technical Conference, an Equipment Expo and a Fall Conference. During these events classes are held for management, office personnel, water, and wastewater operators. These conferences will put you face to face with the industry professionals and introduce you to the newest products and service providers throughout the industry in the exhibit hall.

The Oklahoma Rural Water Association strives to meet the needs of each individual water system. If you have any suggestions on how we could better serve you and your system, please let us know.