Before filling out a (very long) new application, ensure that your business or your system has not been registered in the past by checking the list below.
- 120Water
- 4M Trenching LLC
- 4M Ventures Inc
- 4RF
- A & R Energy Services, Corporation
- A Y McDonald Mfg
- Adobe
- Advanced Microbial Solutions
- Advantage Controls, LLC
- Air Mac Inc
- Allgeier Martin and Associates Inc
- AllTerra Central
- American AVK Company
- American Flow Control
- American Waterworks Supply Inc
- AmeriChemm, LLC
- Ampstun Utility Billing Corp.
- Anchor Energy Solutions LLC
- Aquafix Inc
- AquaSmart Inc
- Aquestia USA
- Arkhola Sand & Gravel Company
- Arvest Bank
- Associated Environmental Industries Corp
- AST Storage LLC
- Atlas Rock Bit Service inc
- ATM One Incorp
- Auto Mail LLC
- Automatic Engineering Inc
- AV Water Technologies LLC
- AVR Inc
- Axiom Instrumentation Services
- Badger Meter Inc.
- Baker Water Systems
- BancFirst
- Bank of Oklahoma
- Banyon Data Systems
- Bartlett & West Inc
- Basin Power Solutions Midcon LLC
- Baugh Industries, LLC
- Bauman Instrument Corporation
- Belzona Industrial Solutions LLC
- Bemac Supply
- Benchmark GPS
- Bennett Construction Inc
- Bertrem Products Inc
- Bill Knight Ford
- Bledsoe, Hewett & Gullekson CPA's
- Blue Sage Services LLC
- Bobcat of Oklahoma City
- Brad Greer & Assoc.
- Brenntag Southwest Inc
- Broken Arrow Electric Supply Inc
- Brown Engineering PC
- Burns & McDonnell Engineering Company Inc
- C & R Painting
- C P & Y Inc
- Canada Company
- Cardinal Engineering Inc
- Carollo Engineers Inc
- Carts and Parts
- Caselle
- CEC Corporation
- Center for Municipal Excellence
- Central New Holland, Inc
- Certarus USA LTD
- Cimarron Construction Company
- Cla-Val Company
- Clermont Innovative Design LLC
- Clifford Power Systems
- Clifford Power Systems Inc.
- Clow Valve Company
- CoBank
- Collier Consulting Inc
- Comm-Tronix
- Community Water Solutions
- Complete Culvert Services LLC
- Compliance EnviroSystems, LLC
- Consolidated Pipe & Supply Company Inc
- Construction Administrative Services Inc
- Contractor Solutions Trench Shoring LLC
- Cooper Auto Group
- Core & Main
- Covey Farms
- Cowan Group Engineering LLC
- Cunningham Sandblasting & Painting Co
- D6 Labs
- Dave Allert Company
- Davis Supply
- DC&B Supply, Inc.
- Delco Electric Inc
- Denali Water Solutions LLC
- DFW Plastics, Inc.
- Diamond Maps
- Diamond Oil Field
- Ditch Witch of Oklahoma
- DN Tanks
- DO2E Waste Water Treatment LLC
- Doyle Harris Davis & Haughey
- Duke's Root Control Inc
- Dunham Engineering Inc
- Eagle Environmental Consulting, Inc
- Earles Engineering & Inspection Inc
- EarthTec
- Edwards Environmental Corporation
- Edwards Equipment LLC
- Ellen W Stevens PHD PE PLLC
- eLynx Water Solutions
- Environmental Improvements EI²
- Environmental Resource Technologies LLC
- Essential Equipment
- Fab-Seal Industrial Liners Inc.
- Ferguson Waterworks
- Filtration Specialties Inc
- Fire Hydrant Services & Repair
- Fire Hydrant Services & Repair by FFC
- FLC Management LLC
- Flowpoint Environmental Systems LP
- Floyd Law Firm P.C.
- Ford Meter Box Company
- Fortiline Waterworks
- Fox Engineering Inc
- Foyil Economic Development Authority
- Freedom Railcar Solutions, LLC
- Freese and Nichols Inc
- Frontier Logging Corporation
- G W Utility Construction
- Gajeske Inc
- Global Treat, Inc.
- Golden Environmental Laboratory
- Government Capital Corporation
- Graco Roofing and Construction
- Grand Truck Equipment Company LLC
- Great Plains Construction
- Green Equipment Company
- Guide Energy Solutions LLC
- Hach
- HARCO Fittings
- Hard Hat Safety and Glove LLC
- Harmsco Filtration Products
- Harris Computer
- Hawkins Inc
- Haynes Equipment Co
- Hayter Engineering Inc
- HealthChoice
- Holloway Updike and Bellen
- Hose Solutions Inc
- Houston Electric Inc
- Howard Construction, Inc.
- Hubbell Utility Solutions
- Hugh M Cunningham Companies
- Hydro Pro Solutions
- i3 Verticals
- IMR Lagoon Systems
- Induron Protective Coatings
- Infrastructure Solutions Group
- Innovative Water Technologies
- Instrument & Supply, Inc.
- Integrity Fusion Products Inc
- Interstate Electric Corporation
- Intrust Bank, NA
- InvoiceCloud
- Itron
- J & R Equipment
- J&R Equipment
- Jack Tyler Engineering Incorporated
- JAG Underground LLC
- Jayhawk Software
- JCI Industries Inc
- JCM Industries Inc
- Joe Sewell Auto Rental
- John Vance Fleet Services
- Johnson Controls Inc
- Juan R Majano DBA Majano Utilities
- K D Johnson Inc
- Kamstrup Water Metering
- Kasco-Axis Construction LP
- KEY Apparel
- Key Equipment & Supply Co
- Key Flowback Services
- Kimberlye R Mayer CPA PC
- Kimery Painting Inc
- Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.
- Kinard Painting & Sandblasting
- Kirby-Smith Machinery, Inc.
- KLM Engineering Inc
- Krapff Reynolds Construction Co
- Krausz USA
- Lagoon Pumping and Dredging
- Layne Christensen
- LBC Manufacturing
- Lightsey Marketing
- LJA Environmental Services, LLC
- Lone Wolf Service Group LLC
- Lonehickory Cattle LLC
- LTR Fastener & Supply LLC
- M&H Valve/Kennedy Valve
- Macaulay Controls Company
- Maguire
- Marsau Enterprises
- Master Meter Inc
- Matthew Muller
- Maxwell Supply Co
- Mayfield Paint & Finish LLC
- McCain Waterworks Marketing
- McCain Waterworks Marketing LLC
- McClelland Consulting Engineers Inc
- McCulloch Excavation Inc
- McIntire Management Group
- McWane Plant & Industrial
- Mears Engineers, LLC
- Meshek & Associates LLC
- Metron
- Michael Green, CPA
- Micro-Comm Inc
- Mid America Meter, LLC
- Mid-America Chemical, Inc.
- Mid-America Industrial Coatings
- Mid-American Research Chemical (MARC)
- Midland - Midco
- Midwest Engineering Group LLC
- Midwest Infrastructure Coatings
- Milford Pipe Supply Inc
- Mueller Company
- Mueller Systems
- MuniBilling
- Municipal Finance Services Inc
- Municipal Maintenance Services
- Municipal Management
- Myers Engineering
- Nash Construction Co
- National Sign Company Inc
- Nationwide Tank and Pipe
- Nelson Landscaping Inc
- Newman Regency
- Nexbillpay
- NORMCO Pump and Power
- North American Pipe Corporation
- OCT Equipment LLC
- OKIE811 | Oklahoma One-Call System, Inc.
- Okiejacks LLC
- Oklahoma Contractor's Supply LLC
- Oklahoma Electrical Supply Co
- Oklahoma Municipal League
- OldCastle/Hall Marketing
- Omicron Controls, Inc.
- OMNI Water Consultants
- One Way Wireless Construction Inc
- OPEH&W Health Plan
- Orr Construction Inc
- ORWA Assurance Group
- OSI Environmental Inc
- Outback Customs LLC
- P&K Equipment
- Parker & Son Inc
- Parkhill
- Paul King Co
- PAX Water Technologies
- Pay N Seconds
- Phillips Murrah PC
- Phive Controls Automation & Supply
- Phoenix Fabricators
- Pioneer Supply LLC
- Pipelife Jet Stream Inc
- Piper Oilfield
- Pittsburg Tank & Tower Maintenance Co Inc
- Plow Technologies
- Poly Pipe Solutions
- Poly Pro Inc.
- Preferred Tank & Tower Maintenance Division
- Preload LLC
- Prestige Worldwide Technologies, LLC
- Probata Corporation
- Pumps of Oklahoma
- Quantum Distribution
- Rain for Rent
- Rainmaker Sales
- RCB Bank
- Red Flint Sand & Gravel LLC
- Regal Chlorinators
- Rep Partners, LLC
- Rep Tech Controls Inc.
- RepCom International
- Rexel USA
- RG3 Meter Company
- Robertson Electrical & Mechanical
- Romac Industries Inc
- Ron Perrin Water Technologies, Inc.
- Ronnie Jones Consulting, Inc.
- RootX
- Rose State College (OK Envir Training Center)
- Rotek Services
- RP Power, LLC
- Rural Water Impact/Municipal Impact
- Sandyland Enironmental Services
- Sargent Drilling1
- Scadata
- Schebester Bechtel Inc
- Schuermann Enterprises Inc
- Scruggs Company
- Second Sight Systems LLC
- Sequoyah Software & Consulting
- Sherwin Williams Paint Company
- Sidener Environmental Services Inc
- Smart Earth Technologies
- Smith Roberts Baldischwiler, LLC (SRB)
- Smith-Blair Inc
- SnS Resources Inc
- Source One Environmental
- Southern Petroleum Laboratories (AnaLab)
- Southwest Trailers & Equipment LLC
- Spinnaker Oil Field Services LLC
- Stenner Pump Company
- Subsurface Instruments Inc
- SUEZ Water Advanced Solutions
- Superior Services & Supply, LLC
- Sutterfield Technologies
- Tank Connection LLC
- TankSpekCorp
- Taylor Power Systems, Inc.
- Tecta America Oklahoma
- TEG Solutions
- Texas Aquastore Inc
- Texas Municipal Equipment
- The CL Boyd Company
- The Payment Group
- The Public Finance Law Group PLLC
- Thornton Musso and Bellemin Inc
- TMC Construction Company Inc
- TONTO Environmental
- TP Express LLC
- TPSi
- Tri-State Engineering Inc
- Trihydro Corporation
- Tulsa Divers
- Tulsa WinWater
- United Engines Power Generation
- US Cellular
- US Saws
- US Underwater Services LLC
- USA BlueBook
- USG Water Solutions
- USW Utility Group
- Utility Supply Company
- Utility Technology Services Inc
- Utter & Associates
- Van Eaton Ready Mix Inc
- Viking Industrial Painting LLC
- Wachs Utility Products
- Wall Engineering LLC
- Warren Cat
- Water PAQ Engineering Inc
- Water Tech Inc
- Water Tower Maintenance Inc
- Water Works Metrology LLC
- WaterWise Enterprises LLC
- WBM Services LLC
- WDB Engineering PLLC
- Wells Nelson & Associates LLC
- Western Data Systems
- White Star Machinery
- Worth Hydrochem of Okla Inc
- Wynn Construction
- Yellowhouse Machinery Co
- Yorktown Bank
Can't find your company listed?
- Achille PUA
- Ada City of
- Adair Co RWD #2
- Adair Co RWD #3
- Adair Co RWD #4
- Adair Co RWD #5
- Adair Co RWD #6
- Adair Municipal Authority
- Adamson RWD #8
- Afton PWA
- Agra Town of
- Alex Municipal Authority/ Town of Alex
- Alfalfa Co RWD #1
- Aline PWA
- Allen PWA
- Altus PWA
- Alva City of
- American Water Fort Sill
- Ames Town of
- Amorita-Byron Sewer Sys Authority
- Anadarko PWA
- Antlers PWA
- Apache PWA
- Arapaho PWA
- Arkoma Utility Service
- Arnett, Town of
- Asher Util Dev Auth
- Atoka Co RWD #1
- Atoka Co RWD #2
- Atoka Co RWD #3
- Atoka Co RWD #4
- Atoka PWA
- Avant Utility Authority
- Bar Dew Water Assn
- Barnsdall City of
- Beaver Co RW&SD #1
- Beaver Co RWD #2 (Gate)
- Beaver PWA
- Beckham Co RWD #1
- Beckham Co RWD #2
- Beckham Co RWD #3
- Beggs City of
- Bernice PWA
- Bessie City of
- Big Cabin PWA
- Billings PWA
- Binger PWA
- Birch Creek RWD
- Bixby PWA
- Blackwell City of
- Blair PWA
- Blanchard Municipal Imp Authority
- Bluejacket PWA
- Boise City PWA
- Bokchito Town of
- Bokoshe PWA
- Boley Town of
- Boswell PWA
- Bowlegs Town of
- Bowlegs-Lima WD Inc
- Boynton PWA
- Braggs PWA
- Braman Town of
- Bridgeport PWA
- Broken Bow PWA
- Bromide PWA
- Bryan Co RWD #5
- Bryan Co RWD #6
- Bryan Co RWD #7
- Bryan Co RWD #9 (Hendrix-Kemp)
- Bryan Co RWS & SWMD #2
- Buckhorn RWD #2 Murray Co
- Buffalo Town of
- Burbank PWA
- Burlington Town of
- Burns Flat Util Auth
- Burnt Cabin RWD
- Byars Town of
- Cache City of
- Caddo Co RWD #1
- Caddo Co RWD #3
- Caddo PWA
- Calera PWA
- Calumet PWA
- Calvin PWA
- Cameron PWA
- Canadian Co RWD #1
- Canadian Co RWD #5 (Heaston)
- Canadian Co RWS & SWMD #4 (Green Valley)
- Canadian Co Water Authority
- Canadian Town of
- Canton Public Works Authority
- Canute PWA
- Carmen Town of
- Carnegie Municipal Water System
- Carney PWA
- Carrier Town of
- Carter Co RWS & SW #1
- Carter Town of
- Cashion PWA
- Catoosa Town of
- Cement PWA
- Centrahoma Water Co
- Chandler PWS
- Chattanooga PWA
- Checotah PWA
- Chelsea Economic Dev Auth
- Cherokee City of
- Cherokee Co RWD #1
- Cherokee Co RWD #11
- Cherokee Co RWD #12
- Cherokee Co RWD #13
- Cherokee Co RWD #16
- Cherokee Co RWD #2
- Cherokee Co RWD #7
- Cherokee Co RWD #8
- Cherokee Co RWD #9
- Cherry Tree Rural Water District
- Cheyenne & Arapaho Tribes
- Cheyenne Utility Authority
- Chickasaw Nation
- Choctaw Co RW & SD #1
- Choctaw Co RWD #2
- Choctaw Co RWSG & SWMD #3
- Choctaw Co RWSG & SWMD #6
- Chouteau PWA
- City of Ardmore
- City of Choctaw
- City of Grandfield
- City of Hominy
- City of Kaw City
- City of Kingfisher
- Clarita-Olney Water
- Clayton PWA
- Clearview Town of
- Cleo Springs Town of
- Cleveland Co RWD #1
- Cleveland Town of
- Clinton Town of
- Coal Co RWD #1
- Coal Co RWD #5
- Coalgate PWA
- Colbert PUA
- Colcord PWA
- Cole PWA
- Collinsville Town of
- Comanche Co RWD #1
- Comanche Co RWD #2
- Comanche Co RWD #3
- Comanche Co RWD #4
- Comanche Co RWD #5 (Pecan Valley)
- Comanche PWA
- Commerce Town of
- Copan PWA
- Corn Town of
- Cornish Town of
- Cotton Co RWD #2
- Covington Utilities Authority
- Coweta Town of
- Coyle PWA
- Craig Co RWD #1
- Craig Co RWD #2
- Craig Co RWD #3
- Creek Co RWD #1
- Creek Co RWD #10
- Creek Co RWD #11
- Creek Co RWD #2
- Creek Co RWD #3 Cnsld
- Creek Co RWD #4
- Creek Co RWD #5
- Creek Co RWD #7
- Crescent PWA
- Creta Water Corp
- Crowder PW (Sewer)
- Cushing City of
- Custer City PWA
- Custer Co RWD #3
- Cyril Town of
- Dacoma PWA
- Davenport Utility Authority
- Davidson PWA
- Davis City of
- Deer Creek Water Corp
- Delaware Co RSD #1
- Delaware Co RSD #2
- Delaware Co RWD #1
- Delaware Co RWD #10
- Delaware Co RWD #11
- Delaware Co RWD #12
- Delaware Co RWD #3
- Delaware Co RWD #7
- Delaware PWA
- Delhi Water Corp
- Depew Town of
- Devol City of
- Dewar PWA
- Dewey Co RWD #1
- Dewey Co RWD #2
- Dewey Co RWS & SWMD #3
- Dewey PWA
- Dibble Public Works Authority
- Dill City City of
- Dougherty PWA
- Dover PWA
- Drummond PWA
- Drumright Utility Trust
- Duke Municipal Auth
- Duncan City of
- Durant Town of
- Dustin PWA
- Eakly Dev Corp
- East Central OK Water
- Edmond PWA
- Eldorado Town of
- Elgin City of
- Elk City PWA
- Ellis Co RWD #1
- Elm Bend Water District Inc
- Elmore City PWA
- Elmore City Rural Water Corp
- Enid City of
- Erick City of
- Eufaula PWA
- Fairfax PWA
- Fairland PWA
- Fairmont Utilities
- Fairview Utilities Authority
- Falconhead Property Owners Association
- Fargo Utilities Auth
- Fifty-One East Water
- Fletcher PWA
- Forgan PWA
- Fort Cobb Public Works Authority
- Fort Gibson Town of
- Fort Supply PWA
- Fort Towson Town of
- Foss Reservoir Master Cons Distr
- Foss Town of
- Frederick City of
- Freedom Town of
- Frontier Dev Authority
- Gage Town of
- Gans Utility Authority
- Garber Municipal Authority
- Garfield Co RWD #4
- Garfield Co RWD #5
- Garfield Co RWD #6
- Garfield Co RWD #7
- Garvin Co RWD #1
- Garvin Co RWD #2
- Garvin Co RWD #4
- Garvin Co RWD #6
- Garvin Town of
- Geary PWA
- Geronimo PWA
- Glencoe Town of
- Glenpool Water
- Goldsby Water Authority
- Goltry PWA
- Goodwell PWA
- Gore PWA
- Gotebo PWA
- Gracemont PWA
- Grady Co RWD #1
- Grady Co RWD #2 (Amber)
- Grady Co RWD #3
- Grady Co RWD #6
- Grady Co RWSG & SWMD #7
- Grand Lake
- Grand Lake Town
- Granite Town of
- Grant Co RWD #1
- Grayhorse RWD
- Greenfield Utilities Auth
- Grove Municipal Svc Auth
- Guthrie City of
- Guymon Utility Authority
- Haileyville City of
- Hallett PWA
- Hammon Town of
- Hanna PWA
- Hardesty Town of
- Harmon Electric Assn
- Harmon Water Corp
- Harper Co RWD #1
- Harrah PWA
- Hartshorne City of
- Haskell County Water Company
- Haskell PWA
- Haworth PWA
- Headrick Town of
- Healdton Municipal Auth
- Heavener Utilities Auth
- Helena PWA
- Hennessey Town of
- Henryetta City of
- Hickory Meadows Rural Water Co Inc
- Hillsdale PWA
- Hinton Town of
- Hipoint Water System
- Hitchcock PWA
- Hobart PWA
- Holdenville PWA
- Hollis PWA
- Hollister Water
- Hooker City of
- Hughes Co RWD #1
- Hughes Co RWD #2
- Hughes Co RWD #3
- Hughes Co RWD #4
- Hughes Co RWD #5
- Hughes Co RWD #6
- Hugo Municipal Water/Wastewater Plant
- Hulah Water Dist #20
- Hulbert PWA
- Hunter Town of
- Hydro Town of
- Idabel PWA
- Indiahoma Town of
- Inola PWA
- Iowa Tribe of OK
- Ironside Water District Inc
- Jackson Co Water Co
- Jay Utilities Auth
- Jefferson Co Cnsld RWD #1
- Jefferson Town of
- Jenks PWA
- Jennings Town of
- Jet Town of
- Johnston Co RWD #3
- Johnston County RWS & SWMD 4
- Jones PWA
- Kansas PWA
- Kay Co RWD #1
- Kay Co RWD #3
- Kay Co RWD #5
- Kay Co. RWD #7
- Kelly Danner
- Kellyville PWA
- Kendrick Municipal Authority
- Kenefic Water Dept
- Kenwood Water District
- Keota PWA
- Ketchum PWA
- Keyes Utility Authority
- Kiefer PWA
- Kingfisher Co RWD #3
- Kingston PWA
- Kiowa Co RWD #1
- Kiowa PWA
- Knowles Town of
- Konawa PWA
- Krebs Utility Authority
- Kremlin PWA
- Kremlin-Hillsdale RWD #1
- Kusa RWD #3
- Lahoma PWA
- Lakemont Shores POA
- Lamont Town of
- Langley PWA
- Langston PWA
- Latimer Co RWD #1
- Latimer Co RWD #2
- Latimer Co RWD #3
- Latimer Co RWD #4
- Laverne PWA
- Lee Creek RWD
- Leedey PWA
- LeFlore Co Consldt RWD #12
- LeFlore Co RWD #1
- LeFlore Co RWD #14
- LeFlore Co RWD #15
- LeFlore Co RWD #2
- LeFlore Co RWD #3
- LeFlore Co RWD #5
- Lehigh City of
- Lenapah PWA
- Lexington, City of
- Lincoln Co RW & SD #4
- Lincoln Co RWD #1
- Lincoln Co RWD #2
- Lincoln Co RWD #3
- Lindsay City of
- Locust Grove PWA
- Logan Co RWD #2
- Logan Co RWD #3
- Logan Co RWS & SWMD #1
- Lone Chimney Water Assc
- Lone Grove W&S Trust Authority
- Lone Wolf PWA
- Longdale Municipal Authority
- Longtown RWD #1
- Love Co RWD #1
- Love Co RWD #2
- Loyal Town of
- Luther PWA
- Macomb Town of
- Madill Water
- Madill Water Plant
- Major Co RWS & SWD #1 (Fairview)
- Manchester PWA
- Mangum Utility Authority
- Manitou Town of
- Mannsville PWA
- Marietta PWA
- Marland PWA
- Marlow City of
- Marshall Co RW&SD #1
- Marshall Co RWD #2
- Marshall Town of
- Martha Utility
- Maud City of
- Mayes Co RWD #2
- Mayes Co RWD #3
- Mayes Co RWD #4
- Mayes Co RWD #5
- Mayes Co RWD #6
- Mayes Co RWD #7
- Mayes Co RWD #8
- Mayes Co RWD #9
- Maysville Municipal Authority
- McClain Co RWD #8
- McCurtain Co RWD #1
- McCurtain Co RWD #5
- McCurtain Co RWD #6 (Kiamichi)
- McCurtain Co RWD #7
- McCurtain Co RWD #8
- McCurtain Co RWD #9
- McCurtain County RWD 2
- McCurtain Municipal Authority
- McIntosh Co RWD #12 (Shell Creek)
- McIntosh Co RWD #13
- McIntosh Co RWD #3 (Victor)
- McIntosh Co RWD #5 (Shady Grove)
- McIntosh Co RWD #6 (Vivian)
- McIntosh Co RWD #7
- McIntosh Co RWSG & SWMD #8
- McIntosh Co RWSG & SWMD #9
- McLoud PWA
- Medford PWA
- Medicine Park PWA
- Meeker PWA
- Meno, Town of
- Meridian Water Supply
- Miami Town of
- Midwestern Ok Dev Auth
- Milburn PWA
- Mill Creek PWA
- Millerton PWA
- Minco City of
- Mooreland PWA
- Morris City of
- Morrison PWA
- Mounds PWA
- Mountain Park PWA
- Mountain View Town of
- Muldrow Util Auth
- Mulhall PWA
- Murray Co RWD #1
- Muskogee City of
- Muskogee Co RWD #1
- Muskogee Co RWD #14
- Muskogee Co RWD #2
- Muskogee Co RWD #3
- Muskogee Co RWD #4
- Muskogee Co RWD #5
- Muskogee Co RWD #6
- Muskogee Co RWD #7
- Muskogee Co RWD #9
- Muskogee Water Treatment Plant
- Mustang City of
- Nash PWA
- New Cordell Utlity Authority
- New Prue PWA
- Newcastle PWA
- Newkirk City of
- Nichols Hills City of
- Ninnekah PWA
- Noble Co RWD #1
- Noble Co RWD #3
- Noble Co RWD #4
- Noble Co. RWD #2
- Noble Town of
- Norge Water & Sewer
- North Blaine Water Corp
- North Fork Cabin Water Assoc
- North Miami Town of
- North Vinita Water Coop
- Nowata & Rogers Co RWD #1 Consld
- Nowata Co RW&SD #1
- Nowata Co RWD #2
- Nowata Co RWD #3
- Nowata Co RWD #5
- Nowata Co RWD #6
- Nowata Co RWD #7
- Oakland PWA
- Ochelata Town of
- Oilton PWA
- Okarche RWD Inc
- Okarche Town of
- Okay PWA
- Okeene Oklahoma Power System / OPWA
- Okemah Utilities Authority
- Okfuskee Co RWD #1
- Okfuskee Co RWD #2
- Okfuskee Co RWD #3
- Okmulgee Co RWD #1
- Okmulgee Co RWD #2
- Okmulgee Co RWD #20
- Okmulgee Co RWD #21
- Okmulgee Co RWD #4
- Okmulgee Co RWD #5
- Okmulgee Co RWD #6
- Okmulgee Co RWD #7
- Okmulgee PWA
- Oktaha Public Works Authority
- Olustee Town of
- Oologah Municipal Authority
- Optima Municipal Authority
- Orlando PWA
- Osage Co RWD #1
- Osage Co RWD #15
- Osage Co RWD #18 (Evergreen)
- Osage Co RWD #21
- Osage Co RWD #3 (McCord)
- Osage Co RWD #5
- Osage Co RWS & SWMD #3
- Osage PWA
- Otoe-Missouria Tribe
- Ottawa Co RW & SD #1
- Ottawa Co RWD #2
- Ottawa Co RWD #3
- Ottawa Co RWD #4
- Ottawa Co RWD #5
- Ottawa Co RWD #6
- Ottawa Co RWD #7
- Owasso Town of
- Paden Utilities Authority
- Panama PWA
- Paoli Town of
- Pauls Valley City of
- Pawhuska City of
- Pawnee Co RWD #1
- Pawnee Co RWD #2
- Pawnee Co RWD #3
- Pawnee Co RWD #4
- Pawnee Co RWD #5
- Pawnee Co RWD #7
- Pawnee PWA
- Payne Co RWC #3
- Payne Co RWD #3
- Payne Co RWD #4
- Peggs Water Company
- Perkins Town of
- Perry PWA
- Pettit Mountain Water Association
- Phillips RWD #1
- Piedmont Municipal Authority
- Pittsburg Co PWA
- Pittsburg Co RW & SD #20
- Pittsburg Co RWD #11
- Pittsburg Co RWD #14
- Pittsburg Co RWD #16
- Pittsburg Co RWD #18 (Indianola)
- Pittsburg Co RWD #5
- Pittsburg Co RWD #6
- Pittsburg Co RWD #7
- Pittsburg Co RWD #9
- Pittsburg County Water Authority
- Pittsburg Town of
- Pocola Municipal Auth
- Ponca City Municipal Water
- Pond Creek City of
- Pontotoc Co RWD #1 (Homer)
- Pontotoc Co RWD #6
- Pontotoc Co RWD #7
- Pontotoc Co RWD #8
- Pontotoc Co RWD #9
- Porter PWA
- Porum PWA
- Poteau PWA
- Poteau Valley Imp Auth
- Pottawatomie Co Dev Auth
- Pottawatomie Co RWD #3
- Prague City of
- Pryor Town of
- Purcell City of
- Pushmataha Co RWD #1
- Pushmataha Co RWD #2
- Pushmataha Co RWD #2
- Pushmataha Co RWD #3
- Pushmataha Co RWD #5
- Quapaw Town of
- Quartz Mountain Regional Water
- Quinlan Community RWD #1
- Quinton PWA
- R & C Water Authority
- Ralston PWA
- Ramona PWA
- Randlett PWA
- Ratliff City Water Trust Authority
- Ravia PWA
- Red Oak PWA
- Red Rock PWA
- Reed Water Corp
- Ringwood PWA
- Ripley PWA
- Rocky Town of
- Roff Town of
- Roger Mills Co RWD #2 (Red Star RWD #2)
- Roger Mills Co RWS & SWMD #1
- Roger Mills Co RWS & SWMD #3
- Rogers Co RSD #1
- Rogers Co RWD #12
- Rogers Co RWD #2
- Rogers Co RWD #3
- Rogers Co RWD #4
- Rogers Co RWD #5
- Rogers Co RWD #6
- Rogers Co RWD #7
- Rogers Co RWD #8
- Rogers Co RWD #9
- Roland Town of
- Roosevelt PWA
- Roundhill RWD #4
- Rural Water District #17, LeFlore County
- Rural Water District #3, Cherokee County
- Rush Springs Town of
- RWS &SWMD #2 McIntosh Co (Onapa)
- Ryan Town of
- S Coffeyville Town of
- S W Water Inc
- Salina PWA
- Sallisaw Town of
- Salt Fork Water Authority
- Sand Springs Town of
- Sapulpa RWC
- Sardis Lake Water Authority
- Sasakwa Town of
- Savanna Town of
- Sayre PWA
- Seminole City of
- Seminole Co RW & SWMD #1
- Seminole Co RW & SWMD #3
- Seminole Co RWSG&SWMD #2
- Sentinel PWA
- Sequoyah Co RWD #3
- Sequoyah Co RWD #4
- Sequoyah Co RWD #5
- Sequoyah Co RWSG & SWMD #7
- Sequoyah Co Water Assn
- Shady Point Town of
- Sharon Utilities
- Shattuck City of
- Shawnee Town of
- Shidler PWA
- Skiatook City of
- Slick PWA
- Snyder PWA
- Soper Town of
- South Delaware Co Regional Water Auth
- Southern Oklahoma Water Corp
- Spencer City of
- Sperry Utility Services Authority
- Spiro East Water Assn
- Spiro Town of
- Springer Town of
- St Louis Utility Co
- Stephens Co RW & SD #1
- Stephens Co RWD #4
- Stephens Co RWD #5
- Stephens Co RWS & SWMD #3
- Sterling PWA
- Stick Ross Mtn Water Co
- Stigler Municipal Imp Authority
- Stilwell Area Dev Authority
- Stonewall PWA
- Stratford PWA
- Strike Axe Water Co
- Stringtown PWA
- Stroud City of
- Taft PWA
- Tahlequah PWA
- Talala PWA
- Talihina PWA
- Taloga Public Works Authority
- Taneha Utilities Authority
- Tatums City of
- Tecumseh Utility Authority
- Temple Town of
- Terral Town of
- Texas Co RWD #1
- Texhoma PWA
- Thirsty Water Corp
- Thomas PWA
- Tillman Co RWD #1
- Tipton Town of
- Tishomingo City of
- Tonkawa Tribal Auth-Fort Oakland
- Town of Foyil / FEDA
- Town of Westport
- Tri-County RWD #2
- Tryon Utility Authority
- Tullahassee Public Water Works Authority
- Tulsa Co RWD #14
- Tulsa Co Water Improvement District #3
- Tupelo PWA
- Tuttle City of
- Twin Rivers Estates Inc
- Tyrone Town of
- Union City Municipal Authority
- Valliant PWA
- Verden PWA
- Verdigris PWA
- Vernon Town of
- Vian PWA
- Vici PWA
- Vinita PWA
- Wagoner Co RWD #1
- Wagoner Co RWD #2
- Wagoner Co RWD #4
- Wagoner Co RWD #5
- Wagoner Co RWD #6
- Wagoner Co RWD #7
- Wagoner Co RWD #9
- Wagoner PWA
- Wakita Utilities Authority
- Walters PWA
- Wanette PWA
- Wann PWA
- Wapanucka City of/Wapanucka PWA
- Warner Utilities Authority
- Washington Co RWD #1
- Washington Co RWD #2
- Washington Co RWD #3
- Washington Co RWD #5 Inc
- Washington Co RWD #7
- Washington Town of
- Washita Co RWD #2
- Water Distributors Inc
- Watonga City of
- Watts PWA
- Waukomis PWA
- Waurika PWA
- Wayne PWA
- Waynoka Utility Authority
- Weatherford City of
- Welch PWA
- Weleetka PWA
- Wellston PWA
- West Davis RWC
- West Siloam Springs
- Western Carter Co W&S Corp
- Westville Utility Authority
- Wetumka City of
- Wilburton PWA
- Willow Municipal Authority
- Wilson PWA
- Wister PWA
- Woods Co RWD #1
- Woods Co RWD #2
- Woods Co RWD #3
- Woodward City of
- Woodward Co RWD #1
- Woodward Co RWD #2
- Wright City PWA
- Wynnewood City of
- Wynona Town of
- Yale City of